Demons from the heart

Let’s talk about mythological creatures briefly,

I find them to be fascinating. Whether you’re reading a story about the Russian domovoi (the picture displayed for this particular blog), the Jersey Devil, the loch nesss monster, Cthulhu, or big foot. What they all have in common is they’re all mythological creatures…aren’t they?

The writer’s responsible for these creatures, tell these tales of creatures, demons, and monsters for different reasons. But at the very core, everybody tells these stories for one reason: entertainment. The human race NEEDS entertainment, in more than one form. But in EVERY form of entertainment – embedded in them are stories.

Stories are what separate us from the animals, right?

From an episode of reality TV (I know, I know…their stories are shitty), to an epic trilogy such as Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, to a story within the lines of Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven, to a phenomenal story such as Stephen King’s IT, stories are what drive us, compel us, and make us want to tell our friends, family, and sometimes (such as what I am doing) they make us want to put it out there for anybody in the world…possibly the universe or other dimensions, to read.

The story I want to share with you is a mythological being from Russia. Maybe some of you never heard of this one before, I know that I hadn’t until I randomly stumbled upon it.

The domovoi:

Don’t fret if you live outside the boarders of Russia – they don’t appear to live beyond that country. They are known to be masculine, generally tiny, full-length bearded (ZZ Top styled), and more often than not, are completely covered in hair.

According to some, the playful spirits take on the physical appearance of the current or the past owner of that particular house. They have a grey beard, while some have little horns on their tail.

There have been reports of people spotting their neighbor outside of their home, then spotting them somewhere (within a matter of seconds) inside the home.

One particular case: A father drove off, waving goodbye to his wife (who was doing yard work), she waved goodbye to her husband–moments later she happened to see her husband in their bedroom window, looking down at her.

Others have rumored that the domovoi can take on the appearance of a cat or dog. These reports run fewer than those of the ones of human-mimicking. When people talk about the domovoi, they either give them monstrous characteristics, or none at all.

Domovoi’s have similar capabalities to those of poltergeists. Don’t be fearful though! Their power’s are not NECESSARILY harmful.

Within the last century, there have been reported sightings in and ONLY in Russia. Most of them have been “caught on film”, but never seemed to make it onto YouTube or any other form of evidence to the world.

A few words of advice: If you do come across one of these creatures, if you say the word “master” in front of them, it is thought amongst the domovoi’s that it is a sign of praise toward them. It is a “proper” way to address them, even for the head of the household.

Hope this helps in case you run into one of these little guys!